Thursday 11 February 2016

lowongan kerja LKBN Antara Maret 2016 Perekrutan besar-besaran

lowongan kerja LKBN Antara - - Between the news agency was founded on December 13, 1937 by A. M. Sipahoetar, Mr. Adam Malik, Soemanang. and Pandoe Kartawigoena, when the spirit of national independence is driven by the youth combatant. As the first Director at the time was Mr. Soemanang danAdam Malik as managing editor (young journalists, 17 years old at the time) and interim Deputy Director; Pandoe Kartawigoena as Administrator as well as assisted journalists A.M. Sipahutar. As for the Office is located in Between Buiten KB Tigerstraat 30 (now j. Pinangsia 70 Jakarta City).

In 1941, the Office of the Director by Mr. Sumanang submitted to Sugondo Djojopuspito (a former student of RH age 36 years old at the time, Comrade Soemanang which also former student RH, who works at the Bureau of Statistics), whereas the post of editor of the remains at Adam Malik who doubles as Deputy Director.

Then the Office KB 1942 moved to Noord 53 Paser Baroe Postweg (now North Post Street no. 53 new market) along with the Domei News Agency, Soegondo moved and worked in the Office Shihabu, while Adam Malik and AM Sipahutar remains an employee of Domei.

Perum LKBN Antara, or the name of the length it was the company's General Office of the National News Agency Antara, or also commonly abbreviated, is between the State-owned enterprises. General Corporate News Agency National Institutions Between standing on ladder 13 December 1937. Public Enterprise Agency of the national news agency Antara, founded by Adam Malik, Soemanang Sipahoetar and Pandoe A.M., Kartawagoena. Public Enterprise Agency of the national news agency Antara, born of the spirit of independence that is induced by the penjuang young people.

Di bulan Februari sampai Maret 2016 LKBN Antara membuka lowongan kerja dan memberikan kesempatan berkarir bagi anda untuk menjadi karyawan dengan posisi sebagai dan baca juga lowongan kerja Bank Jatim

Staff Administrasi dan Keuangan
  • Usia maksimal 26 tahun pada tanggal 1 Maret 2016
  • Minimal D3 jurusan Manajemen
  • IPK minimal 2.75 skala 4.00
  • Mampu bekerja dalam tim
  • Memiliki integritas
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik
  • Menguasai peraturan perpajakan
  • Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan sehat dan surat bebas narkoba
Jika anda ingin menjadi karyawan LKBN Antara dan sudah memenuhi kualifikasi dari lowongan kerja di atas maka anda dapat mengumpulkan surat lamaran, daftar riwayat hidup, pas foto berwarna ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 2 lembar, foto copy ijasah, transkip nilai, foto copy KTP dan sertakan juga no. hp yang aktif dan bisa dihubungi dan paling lambat di terima tanggal 19 Februari 2016 dan pendaftaran paling lambat tanggal 10 Maret 2016.

Pendaftaran melalui ONLINE

Hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan kami panggil.