Wednesday 25 November 2015

lowongan kerja PT. Indofood, Tbk - Indonesia

lowongan kerja - - PT. INDOFOOD CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk Adalah Salah satu produsen yang Terpercaya sejak tahun 1990, Dan terus berkembang sampai saat sekarang, produknya akan sering anda temukan di toko-toko, mini market dan super market bahkan beberapa dari produk ternamanya sudah diekspor ke beberapa negara. PT. INDOFOOD CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk atau lebih sering disebut Indofood, perusahaan produsen produk seperti Indomie,susu Indomilk atau terigu Segitiga Biru? Itu baru sebagian saja masih banyak produk lainnya.

PT.INDOFOOD CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk, didirikan pada tahun 1990 awalnya bernama PT.Panganjaya Inti kusuma. yang kemudian berganti nama menjadi PT.Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk pada tahun 1994 sekaligus melakukan penawaran saham perdana sebanyak 763 juta saham yang tercatat dibursa efek Indonesia. Kini sudah bertransformasi menjadi perusahaan Total Food Solution dengan kegiatan operasional yang mencakup seluruh tahapan proses produksi makanan mulai dari produksi dan pengolahan bahan baku sampai menjadi produk yang tersedia di Pasar.

Saat ini Indofood dikenal sebagai perusahaan yang mapan dan terkemuka disetiap kategori bisnisnya. Indofood memiliki 4 kelompok usaha(Group) strategis diantaranya:
1. Produk Konsumen bermerk. Kegiatan Usahanya dilakukan oleh  PT.Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur yang merupakan produsen makanan dalam kemasan yang memiliki berbagai jenis produk makanan.
2. Bogsari, Kegiatan usaha utama meproduksi tepung terigu dan Pasta.
3. Agribisnis, Kegiatan operasionalnya dijalankan oleh PT.Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk dan PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk.Kegiatan Usaha utama meliputi penelitian dan pengembangan,pembibitan,pemuliaan,pengolahan kelapa sawit hingga produksi dan pemasaran minyak goreng,margarine dan shortening bermerk.
4. Distribusi.Grup ini mendistribusikan hampir seluruh produk konsumen Indofood danAnak-anak perusahaannya serta produk pihak ketiga. Produk-produk Indofood antar lain: 1.Mie : Indomie,Supermi,Sarimi,Pop Mie,Sakura,Pop Bihun,Mie telur 3 Ayam. 2.Susu :Indomilk,Cap Enaak,Tiga Sapi,Kremer,Crima,Indoeskrim,Orchid Butter 3.Bumbu : Sambal Indoofood,Bumbu Instan Indofood,Indofood Bumbu Racik,Maggi,Freiss,Kecap Indofood,Kecap enak Piring Lombok 4.Snak : Chiki,Chitato,Cheetos,Jetz,Lays,Qtela,Trenz 5.Makanan Bayi : Promina,Sun 6.Minyak Kemasan dan Margarin : Bimoli,Happy,Simas Palmia 7.Tepung Terigu : Cakra Kembar,Segitiga Biru,Kunci Biru. 8.Pasta : La Fonte Demikian Informasi tentang Profil PT.INDOFOOD CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk, Semoga produk-produk yang diproduksi Bermanfaat dan memberikan kepuasan buat seluruh konsumen di Indonesia ataupun di negara-negara lain.

Di bulan November PT. Indofood, Tbk membuka lowongan kerja dan kesempatan berkarir bagi putra - putri Indonesia dengan tamatan S1 untuk bergabung menjadi karyawan dengan posisi sebagai dan baca juga lowongan kerja PT. Perikanan Nusantara

IT SAP Support Module CO/Basis
Job Description
  • Provide day to day support & solution/problem solving for any  SAP upcoming problem
  • Involve in SAP project implementation
  • Assist users creating blueprint and system solution
  • Perform CO/ Basis system configuration
  • Provide technical specifications for developer team

Qualification Required
  1. Bachelor Degree from Information Technology
  2. Mastering of SAP CO/Basis Module
  3. Min. 3 years related working experience
  4. Min. experienced in 2 cycles SAP CO Implementation 
  5. Experience in handling SAP CO/Basis Configuration
  6. Able to work independently with minimum supervision
  7. Fluent in English
System Analyst
Job Description
  • Conduct business and user requirement analysis
  • Creating system, documentation, database, flowchart, business process, application and testing scenario
  • Coordinate with business user and programmer team in software development project
Qualification Required
  1. Bachelor Degree from Information Technology or related
  2. 2-4 years related working experience
  3. Minimum 5 years experience in software development project
  4. Able to conduct business and user requirements analysis
  5. Excellent in creating system documentation, database, flowchart, business process, application, and testing
  6. Analytic, good communication skill, and can do attitude is a must
  7. Enjoy learning working environment
Net Programmer
Job Description
  • Responsible in the project to develop and maintenance Non-SAP Application within Indofood Group
  • Working with the project team and functional team to create application in line to schedule with qualified performance
  • Designing and prototyping application when providing solution to user
  • Update on new technology and perform new idea to perform better coding
Qualification Required
  1. Bachelor Degree from Computer Science / Information Technology, Engineering (Computer / Telecommunication) or relevant
  2. 3 years of related working experience 
  3. Experience in using C#, ASP.Net, MS SQL Server
  4. Having knowledge about mobile programming (java, android, etc) is a plus
Supervisor Procurement & Suppliers Management (Flexible & Non Flexible Packaging)
Job Description
  • Responsible to fulfill raw material needs for flexible packaging or non flexible packaging material (paper, glass, metal, etc)
  • Review the canvas sheet and purchase order based on limit authorization
  • Building relationship with supplier and coordinate with related department to ensure the accurate delivery time
  • Monitor and analyze budget and raw material price in the market
  • Search the possible cooperation with new supplier
Qualification Required
  1. Bachelor Degree from Economics
  2. Min. 2 years related working experience
  3. Having knowledge about flexible and non flexible purchasing materials
  4. Good in negotiation and analyzing
  5. Computer literate
  6. Fluent in English
Buyer Utility (Geological)
Job Description

  • Handle procurement for energy/ utility, such as coal, shell, gas, etc.
  • Manage B3 waste disposal
  • Create report for LE, AOP utility
  • Handle procurement for chemical WWTP/WTP and waste
  • Do routine evaluation about coal energy utilization and cost efficiency

Qualification Required

  1. Bachelor Degree form Geological Engineering/Mining
  2. Minimum 1 year experience
  3. Able in operating Ms. Excel & Word
  4. Attention to accuracy and do the orderly documentation & administration
  5. Good communication skills

CSR Supervisor (Engagement Socio Environment)
Job Description

  1. Support CSR Manager in differentiating and measuring needs of a basic program for community-improvements, focusing on operational environment
  2. Implement pilot programs with both internal or external teams
  3. Make sure that programs are implemented appropriately, and have continuous feedbacks in order to improve programs effectiveness

Qualification Required

  1. Bachelor Degree from Any Major
  2. Min. 2 years related working experience
  3. Able in operating MS. Office
  4. Able in giving explanation or describing a concept
  5. Having knowledge about green concepts
  6. Fluent in English

Public Relation Manager / Government Relation Manager
Job Description

  • Managing and maintain relation with government institution (Deperin, Depdag, Bapepam, Depkes, BPOM, Deptan, KLH, etc.)
  • Monitoring and managing the implementation of program in line with Good Corporate Governance principle.
  • Managing activities & program to increase the institution awareness about company existence
  • Managing and supporting Division/Unit in implementing external communication to build cooperation
  • Maintain and increase the good relation with mass media or other institution related to company’s image
  • Prepare and publish press release, speech and paper in non financial topic for BOD
  • Provide explanation and answer to mass media for any upcoming issue

Qualification Required

  1. Bachelor Degree from Any Major (preferable from Communication, Sains, Engineering)
  2. Having knowledge about the government rules
  3. Good interpersonal and communication skill
  4. Able in operating MS Office
  5. Fluent in English

Project Management Support Supervisor
Job Description

  • Support Managers in project coordination (scheduling, fulfill the technical requirements, organize tender and execute the planned program by consultant)
  • Supporting the negotiation preparation
  • Delivering progress report, coordinate the payment, VO, addendum, handover’s announcement
  • Reviewing canvass sheet, PO, SPK and agreement letter
  • Estimating and negotiate for civil service rent or purchase
  • Create database (vendor, price, etc.)
  • Explore the new supplier possibilities

Qualification Required

  1. Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering
  2. 2 years related working experience
  3. Able to operate computer program (SAP, ETABS, AUTOCAD)

Management Trainee (Export Division)
Job Description

  • Following the Management Trainee Program

Qualification Required

  1. Bachelor Degree from Sales, Marketing, Accounting, Industrial Engineering
  2. Fresh graduate or experience 1 year
  3. Adaptive and have good teamwork ability
  4. Good in analyzing
  5. Willingness to have overseas business trip with high frequency
  6. Fluent in English

Regional Sales Export Manager
Job Description

  • Developing new target market and maintain the sales performance
  • Act as Indofood's representative
  • Define the strategic plan such as : business plan, feasibility study, distribution & marketing plan, pricing
  • Report to Management frequently Coordinate with other Department to ensure the product availability
  • Executing the marketing program to gain the sales target

Qualification Required

  1. Bachelor Degree from Any Major
  2. Experience as Regional Sales Manager, preferable experience in handle Export market
  3. Experience in handling distribution channel for export product
  4. Good analytical skill
  5. Good working with number
  6. Willingness to have overseas business trip with high frequency
  7. Fluent in English

Brand Manager
Job Description

  • Preparing & developing product concept and food products marketing of the selected brand
  • Creating & implementing marketing plan and strategy to support the creation of brand image & brand building
  • Winning market competition, evaluate and create innovation program to increase sales for selected brand product
  • Plan the development of business product strategy
  • Building and maintaining relationship with related parties (external & internal parties)

Qualification Required

  1. Bachelor Degree from Any Major
  2. Minimum 5 years experiences as Brand Manager (preferable from food industry)
  3. Having knowledge about food industry marketing
  4. Good conceptual thinking and data analyze ability
  5. Good communication ability
  6. Good teamwork ability

Internal Audit Supervisor
Job Description

  • Prepare audit activity planning
  • Execute the audit plan based on schedule and audit methodology
  • Collecting data & report from auditee for analyzing data and audit preparation
  • Prepare audit working paper in complete, systematic, and timely manner
  • Communicate/discuss every finding with superior and auditee

Qualification Required

  1. Bachelor Degree from Accountancy
  2. 2 – 4 years working experience in related fields
  3. Computer literate
  4. Fluent in English
  5. Willingness to have business trip
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