Friday 12 February 2016

lowongan kerja LKPP Non PNS Sekretaris Dir. SPSE

lowongan kerja LKPP - - LKPP Procurement Policy Institute is the goods/services of the Government and is one of 28 Non Government agencies of the Ministry (LPNK) under and responsible to the President of the Republic of Indonesia. LKPP is a government agency whose beginnings there in 2005, and it can also be said to be a work unit.

LKPP established by regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 106 in 2007 about the Policy Development items and current LKPP led by IR. Agus Rahardjo, M.S.M. LKPP was formed for the purpose of providing services for the procurement of goods and services of the Government, and with the transparent lines. As the work unit Echelon II at the Ministry of State for national development planning/Bappenas, PPKPBJ has the task of policy formulation and regulation of government procurement of goods/services, providing technical guidance and advocacy related implementation of government procurement of goods/services, and facilitate the Organization of certification exam expert government procurement of goods/services.

LKPP or institution goods/services Procurement policy of the Government is already fairly well known by the public which LKPP as Government-owned institutions that provide goods/services procurement service for government employees. As a Non Governmental Ministries (LPNK), the Institute has responsibility for which they were responsible directly to the President of INDONESIA in carrying out their various tasks, and also the institution is under the coordination of the State Minister for national development planning/head of Bappenas.

Along the rolling reform in Indonesia, emerging hope that government-procurement of goods/services financed budget of revenue and Expenditure of the State Budget revenues and Spending/Areas (BUDGET/GRANT) can be carried out more effectively and efficiently, giving priority to the application of the principles of a healthy business competition, transparent, open, fair and valid for all parties. In addition to the scope and coverage of government procurement of goods/services, are cross-cutting and cross-institutional, also have a direct impact to the development of small businesses, increased domestic production, and the development of the climate and the business world in General.

Di bulan Februari 2016, LKPP kembali membuka lowongan kerja dan memberikan kesempatan berkarir untuk menjadi karyawan dengan posisi sebagai dan baca juga lowongan kerja ASURANSI

Sekretaris Unit Kerja Eslon II
  • Wanita/Pria
  • Usia minimal 22 Tahun dan maksimal  30 Tahun
  • Minimal D3
  • IPK minimal 2.75
  • Menguasai Ms. Office
  • Diutamakan berpengalaman
  • Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
  • Tidak pernah terlibat Narkoba dan pelanggaran hukum lainnya
Jika anda ingin menjadi karyawan LKPP dan sudah memenuhi kualifikasi dari lowongan kerja di atas maka teman teman mengumpulkan berkas-berkas seperti surat lamaran, cv, foto ukuran 4x6 berwarna, ijasah, transkip nilai, dan sertifikat yang relevan dan lamaran dikirim melalui email ke

Pendaftaran paling lambat tanggal 13 Februri 2016

Hanya kandidat yang terbaik yang dipanggil